Access Virus Editor & Librarian is an AAX, Audio Unit, VST2, VST3 and Standalone App to control ANY Access Virus hardware synthesizer right from your DAW.
You can find user manuals, related articles and frequently asked questions below. If you need help with setup, configuration etc, jump over to our Discord server and our team & community will help out.
This Editor works as AAX, Audio Unit, VST2, VST3 plug-in in all DAWs as well as Standalone App. Version 2024 update brought compatibility to Apple Silicon chips among many other updates, fixes and feature additions. Download the DEMO today, read the setup guides and give it a go, it will be worth it!
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AURA Plugins Virus Editor / Librarian is the perfect editor for everyone who has been requesting a stable and solid Virus Editor for a long time now. After several years ago, Access Music introduced their Virus TI synth range, which was boosted up with massive features such as audio stream directly into your computer via USB and also the Virus plugin. Due to these great features, the most loved editor & librarian program “SoundDiver” was forgotten and many Virus users instantly upgraded to Virus TI and perhaps forgot their Virus A, Virus B or Virus C synth. Well, it is time to pick those synths up, connect the PSU, audio and MIDI cables!
We created the Access Virus Editor to meet the standards required for DAW-working environments: Edit your Access Virus hardware synth directly from your DAW without flipping thru different applications, organize patches within your plugin window to load, edit and save them directly to your HDD. You can run our plugin in Mac & PC (64bit).