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There are usually two reasons for that:
- Plug-in has failed to read the license file. Make sure the license is called “license.key” in the plug-in data folder and not “license.key.txt”. If you see .txt appended, rename the file to “license.key” and try to validate again.
- Plug-in has failed to locate the license.key. Make sure the license is in the plug-in data folder (all versions before v3):
Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Presets/Mystery Islands Music/(plugin name)/license.key
Note that Version 3 has a new location AND name for license.key. License should be placed in /Users/(your username)/Music/AURA Plugins/(“plug-in name”)/”plug-in name”.license
Sample below:
[macOS] ~/Music/AURA Plugins/Access Virus Editor/Access Virus Editor.license [Windows] ~\Music\AURA Plugins\Access Virus Editor\Access Virus Editor.license