How To: Prepare your project for plug-in update

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Before you proceed with the latest update for our plug-in, please check this guide through. It’s not a long read, but well worth it!

Update steps for v1.x to v2.x installers

To ensure your project works after plug-in update, do these steps BEFORE running the update installer:

  1. Open your project with the old plug-in still in it.
  2. Let the total recall do its thing and send the data to your hardware.
  3. Check the hardware and make sure data is received as expected.
  4. Store the recalled data in your hardware.
  5. Take a screenshot of your automation lanes.
  6. Save the project under a new name and close it!
  7. Run the update installer.

Once these steps are completed, you can then open the old or new project and see if the automation is still there. Also, total recall might not work as expected, so I recommend to load the patch data saved in your hardware and then sync the data back into the plug-in UI. Save the new or old project and you are good to go again!

Update steps for v3.x installers

Follow the given steps below and your project is not damaged / broken after the new plug-in is loaded.

Make a backup of your project under a new name.

  1. Open the project.
  2. Let the total recall do its thing.
  3. Remove MIDI input and MIDI output from the old plug-in.
  4. Insert new instrument track.
  5. Insert our plug-in update (in a form of JP-80×0 v3 or so).
  6. Insert MIDI input and MIDI output to the new plug-in.
  7. Click Sync Data From HW which is located in the bottom bar of the new plug-in window.
  8. Migrate your automation lanes from the old plug-in channel to the new one.
  9. Remove the old plug-in from the project and Save your project.


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