JP-80x0 Editor User Manual - Register method #2

Roland JP-80×0 Editor Chapter 2 – Getting Started

User Manuals Knowledge Level

Everything you need to know about our product install, setup steps, configuration and usage of various features


Connect the MIDI cables from your synthesizer to the MIDI interface and Audio Jacks to your console / sound card. MIDI out from synth to MIDI interface IN and vice versa. MIDI thru connections will not work.

  • MIDI Out from MIDI interface to JP-8000 / JP-8080 MIDI In port.
  • MIDI Out from JP-8000 / JP-8080 to MIDI interface MIDI In port.
    • double check your cables!
  • Audio from JP-8000 / JP-8080 L&R to console or sound card inputs.


Wiring diagram example


JP-80x0 Editor User Manual - Wiring examples

JP-80×0 Editor User Manual – Wiring examples

Power up your JP-8000 / JP-8080. Our editor is designed to work “out of the box” and control all parameters from single application instance.

Note: Our Editor is designed to work in performance-mode. Single-mode is supported to load individual presets to different layers.

Configure JP-8000

roland jp 8000 edit buttons

Configure Roland JP-8000 – Shift Function Buttons

Click and hold SHIFT + MIDI SW (button 5)  and scroll until you came across these settings:

Tx/Rx Edit SW = ON
Rx Exclusive SW = ON
Tx/Rx ProgChg SW = BANK SEL + PC
Local Switch = If JP-8000 would be my master keyboard, I would turn it off.
MIDI Clock = External syncs to MIDI input clock. Check if you can provide clock from your DAW.
MIDI Sync = If on, hardware will sync to MIDI clock from MIDI.

Next click MIDI PRM (button 4)  and scroll until you came across these settings:

Device ID = 17 (for multiple JP’s in setup, choose individual ID for each).
Tx/Rx Edit Mode = MODE1
Perform Ctrl Ch = 3
Remote Ctrl Ch = 16

Click PFM PART (button 2)

  • Check both layers and make sure Part MIDI CH for LOWER is set to 1 and UPPER is set to 2.

External Clock Note: Arpeggiator will not play unless DAW is unable to provide MIDI Clock. Windows: Check our method of using MIDI OX and LoopBe together to provide MIDI clock from DAW to your synth.

Configure JP-8080

roland jp 8080 edit buttons

Configure Roland JP-8000 – Edit Function Buttons

Click EDIT and choose MIDI (button 5)  and scroll until you came across these settings:

Tx/Rx Edit SW = ON
Tx/Rx Edit Mode = MODE1
Tx/Rx ProgChg SW = BANK SEL + PC
Local Switch = Up to your desire. OFF means extra MIDI traffic back to JP!
MIDI Sync = If on, hardware will sync to MIDI clock from MIDI.
Device ID = 17 (for multiple JP’s in setup, choose individual ID for each).
Rx Exclusive SW = ON
Perform Ctrl CH = 3
Remote KBD CH = 16

Click PART (button 3)

  • Check both layers and make sure Part MIDI CH for LOWER is set to 1 and UPPER is set to 2.

All set! We are now ready to open our plug-in in DAW or Standalone Application!

To get more information about how to adjust your synth, read the Roland JP-8000 / JP-8080 User Manual.

External Clock Note: Arpeggiator will not play unless DAW is unable to provide MIDI Clock. Windows: Check our method of using MIDI OX and LoopBe together to provide MIDI clock from DAW to your synth.


Check the configuration guide for your system below. Start from the “Setting MIDI Devices” guide and then check your DAW guide.


Config Guide Date Online
Setting MIDI Devices 12-Jan-2021 View
Ableton Live 08-Mar-2021 View
Apple Logic Pro 08-Mar-2021 View
AVID ProTools with Blue Cat's PatchWork 16-Mar-2021 View
Bitwig Studio 14-Mar-2021 View
Cockos Reaper 14-Mar-2021 View
Image-Line Fruity Loops Studio 10-Mar-2021 View
MOTU Digital Performer 12-Mar-2021 View
PreSonus Studio One 10-Mar-2021 View
Reason Studios Reason 12-Mar-2021 View
Renoise 17-Mar-2021 View
Steinberg Cubase Pro 11-Mar-2021 View
Universal Audio LUNA N/A View

Disable physical MIDI ports from your DAW

One of the most important things, especially on Windows platform is that you must disable your physical MIDI ports from your DAW settings which are used to connected to synthesizer. And make sure that those ports are not used within your DAW at all.

If the port is used inside your DAW and you try to assign MIDI input / MIDI output in the plug-in, it might crash and you could potentially lose your work!

For example, Ableton Live has an option to enable track and/or sync for all ports individually, which need to be turned off for MIDI input and output ports intended to use with the Editor.

Using your synth as Master Keyboard?

No problem, on Windows you can install two applications: MIDI-OX and loopMIDI to make a virtual connection and route that back into your DAW for note events. On macOS, MIDI ports can be open in two “applications” at the same time. More details in “Setting MIDI Devices” manual.

Insert the plug-in into your project

First Run / Plug-in Scan

After the configuration guide of Setting MIDI Devices and the configuration guide for your DAW are done, you can safely open your DAW and start the plug-in scanning process.

If the plug-in scan fails, please try to validate it again. If the plug-in won’t validate, send the error log for our inspection – details given at Downloads section above.

Once your DAW is ready, insert our Editor plug-in to instrument track and read next part about registration if you purchased the full license from our store. If not, you can head down to “Make the connection, again” part.

macOS NOTE #1: If errors started to appear after updating the product, navigate to

Macintosh HD/Library/AURA Plugins/
- remove “product name” folder, i.e. Waldorf Blofeld Editor and...
- remove “Shared” folder.

Install the product again and try to validate the plug-in again.

NOTE #2: Your Computer GPU must have support for Open GL 2.1 graphics or greater.


If you made the decision to purchase the license for our Editor, you are the best! Just wanted to thank YOU.

License owners can enjoy the full advantages of the Editor, like:

  • Use all available Parts.
  • Plug-in parameters can be automated directly from your DAW.
  • Librarian is fully functional and allows full editing possibilities.
  • You can save your UI Data (full arrangement) to HDD.
  • You can save your MIDI CC maps to HDD.
  • Total Recall: Once you open your project after your last session, all the data used in your previous session will be automatically sent to your synthesizer.
  • Get tech support and updates with lifetime license or while subscription is active!

If you purchased Editor license from our store, download the license and the full installer from×0-editor/ after you login.

Unzip the full installer and run it from your computer. If installer fails, try again as follows:
Right click the installer and choose “open”. You can safely ignore all warnings.

[Rename license to] Roland JP-80x0 Editor.license

NOTE: Right click the license file on macOS and select “show info”. After that make sure the file name is shown as above. If it has .key extension in it, remove it!

Manually placing the license file

If you have plug-in inserted to your project, now it is time to delete the track / plug-in instance from your DAW.

Rename license.key as per instructed above manually and copy it to the Editor data folder (see location mentioned earlier). If all is good, you can now re-insert your plug-in to your DAW.


JP-80x0 Editor User Manual - License file location in macOS

JP-80×0 Editor User Manual – License file location in macOS

Register product from User Interface

Method #1

Click the top left corner of the user interface where the Editor says, “RELOAD LICENSE [1]”. New window will open to prompt for license [2]. Locate the license [3] and hit OK to register. See image below.

JP-80x0 Editor User Manual - Register method #1

JP-80×0 Editor User Manual – Register method #1

Method #2

Once you’ve installed the FULL version and you have your Editor user interface opened, enter Browser [1], click Bank Edit [2] and choose Register Editor… [3]. A file prompt dialog will pop up just like in the image above.

JP-80x0 Editor User Manual - Register method #2

JP-80×0 Editor User Manual – Register method #2

After you have chosen the license file, remove the plug-in instance from your DAW and insert it again. Editor display should now indicate “REGISTERED” in the top left corner.

IF the Editor shows “** DEMO VERSION **” you haven’t installed the FULL version yet or you might have the plug-in installed in several locations! Check solution from Troubleshooting section.


In order to prevent duplicate MIDI data flow passing to our plug-in, take a good look at your DAW user guide how to filter or block MIDI messages from the hardware.

Here is an example: I am using JP-8080 and our JP-80×0 Editor plug-in in my project. If I move a Filter Cutoff slider from the synthesizer, it will send MIDI message out to physical MIDI device. Now, from there, your DAW will process this message and pass it into your record / monitor enabled track if it is not blocked / filtered. We don’t need this data to pass thru twice since we are going to open the physical ports in the plug-in user interface. I hope that made sense.

If in the other hand, you are using JP-8000, you might want to pass the note data thru to your DAW in order to play other virtual instruments.

In such a scenario, allow only note data to pass through from the input port and open Advanced MIDI Settings [1] window and filter out note processing [2] from the hardware port.


JP-80x0 Editor User Manual - Advanced MIDI Settings

JP-80×0 Editor User Manual – Advanced MIDI Settings

User Manual contents

Chapter 1

Introduction to our Editor, what it can and can not do

Chapter 2

Checking wiring diagrams, Hardware and MIDI settings + registration guide

Chapter 3

Successfully establish the connection to your Hardware

Chapter 4

Hardware functions and our custom functions explained in great detail

Chapter 5

Basic layout and guide how to use the Patch Librarian

Chapter 6

Deeper analysis of the Patch Librarian Menu functions


Why there is no sound? Why no connection? Time to troubleshoot!

Chapter 2 of 6

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