Korg MS2KxR Editor Main Interface Green

Korg MS2000 Editor Changelog

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Korg MS2000 Editor Changelog – View complete version history of our Korg MS2000 Editor. This is the official source.

[ Bug ] [macOS VST] This and previous releases will crash Steinberg Cubase version 9.5 – 10.5 when closing project or when removing the plug-in from the DAW. We are trying to figure this out, sorry for the inconvenience!

[ Bug ] [macOS AudioUnit] If plug-in is not visible in your DAW after install, quit the DAW and run command “killall -9 AudioComponentRegistar” in console and try again. If that doesn’t help, reboot your Mac.

Upcoming Update Notice: Version 3 framework is under development, which will fix any issues with the current editor version! You can read more about the upcoming update from here: https://docs.auraplugins.com/kb/article/version-3-update-information/

Version 3 Update is free for existing customers.

Version 2.0.8 / 2020-10-10

[ New ] Open Support Ticket Menu item added to Patch Librarian -> Bank Edit -> Other Helpful Things..
[ New ] Check for Updates Menu item added to Patch Librarian -> Bank Edit -> Other Helpful Things..
[ New ] DAW User Guides Menu item added to Patch Librarian -> Bank Edit -> Other Helpful Things..
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where plug-in scan could potentially hang.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Register Plug-in dialog would not open from Patch Librarian -> Bank Edit -> Register Plug-in.

Version 2.0.7 / 2020-10-09

[ New ] Section locks added and they are now fully functional with Release All Locks button.
[ New ] Plug-in will now say if license can not be validated and prompts to locate the license file. It does not matter if license has .key or .txt extension to it, both are supported.
[ New ] Import *.m2x (MS2KxR) or *.mkx (microKxR) formats from bank edit -> import menu to librarian.
[ New ] *.m2x (MS2KxR) and *.mkx (microKxR) formats are now directly read from the Patches folder upon plug-in launch.
[ New ] Converted files are now renamed with *.m2x extension and original file is moved to Converted Banks folder.
[ New ] Plug-in will now say if license can not be validated and prompts to locate the license file. It does not matter if license has .key or .txt extension to it, both are supported.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where some patch banks were not visible in the librarian in some cases.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where selecting patch bank would crash the plug-in in some cases.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where control display would show information while it was not supposed to do so.
[ Fixed ] license.key.txt is now automatically renamed to license.key when applying the license via patch librarian -> bank edit -> register plug-in.

Version 2.0.6 / 2020-02-04

[ Other ] Removed Auto-save MIDI I/O due to errors caused by the device initialization.

Version 2.0.5 / 2020-01-30

[ New ] Import microKorg programs created with the official Korg microKorg Editor.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where data from hardware was requested improperly.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where data writing to hardware was not successfully completed. Note that data write takes a long time, so pick up a cup of tea or coffee while in progress.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where sound was initialized when launching the plugin with auto saved MIDI input and output.

Version 2.0.4 / 2020-01-24

[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where data from hardware was not picked up at all.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where MIDI ports were not recalled properly after recalling the project.
[ Other ] Some minor fixes here and there.

Version 2.0.3 / 2020-01-19

[ New ] Save Data to Slot function. Quickly fetch your user interface patch to librarian and store it from there. Read more about the function from our blog.
[ New ] Autosave MIDI Input and Output. Once you set your MIDI Input and MIDI Output in the plug-in, it will remember those ports next time you initialize the plug-in.
[ Fixed ] Some odd recall issues resolved and cases where patch data was not properly set to user interface.
[ Fixed ] Some old urls fixed in the splash-windows.
[ Fixed ] Some bad coding refactored.

Version 2.0.2 / 2020–01-03

[ New ] Support for macOS Catalina. User data moved to /Library/Audio/Presets/Mystery Islands Music/(plugin-name)/ folder. User must manually copy sound data from old /Documents/Mystery Islands Music/ folder to the new location.
[ New ] Librarian Bank Edit Menu has a new item called “Open DATA folder” which will open the current plug-in data folder.

Version 2.0.1 / 2019-05-22

[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Single Banks and Search items created multiple duplicates to menus when saving a new bank.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue which caused errors while storing bank with Save As.
[ Fixed ] Adjusted delay of data transmission on total recall.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where search result entries where shown in lower bank selection menu after toggling off search function.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where tab content did not update to new parameter values while clicking previous / next patch buttons below the plug-in display.

Version 2.0.0 beta / 2019-01-24

[IMPORTANT] This update is not backward compatible below version 2.0.0!

[ New ] New GUI look. User can choose between normal skin or black skin. Plug-in re-initialization required in order to see changes.
[ New ] Resizeable GUI. User can choose between normal, 75% or 125% scaling for the Plug-in GUI. Plug-in re-initialization required in order to see changes.
[ New ] Randomizer. Yes – user can now randomize programs. Randomizer button is below the main screen. If section locks are active, those parts of the sound are not randomized.
[ New ] Multi level folder support for patches.
[ New ] Advanced MIDI filters included. This can be accessed from Global Settings -> Advanced MIDI Settings under the plug-in display.
[ New ] User preset data and license.key should be now placed to Documents/Mystery Islands Music/Korg MS2KxR Editor/ folder.
[ New ] Whole plug-in framework redesigned from ground up. Please report any bugs or malfunctions to our forums – Thank you!

Version 1.0.9 / 2016-04-23

[ New ] Request current patch data from plugin UI to librarian.
[ Fixed ] Sometimes wrong layers were displayed after recalling a project.

Version 1.0.8 / 2016-04-19

[ New ] Added settings tab and it’s controls.
[ New ] Added menus for MIDI1 and MIDI2 controllers in settings page.
[ New ] Added velocity curve menu in settings page.
[ New ] Added function that sends global data to hardware when leaving settings page.
[ New ] Added Tempo lock switch to prevent tempo change up on preset change.
[ New ] Added vibrato int knob in main window.
[ New ] Added bend range menu in main window.
[ New ] Added timbre transpose knob in main window.
[ New ] Added timbre tuning knob in main window.
[ New ] When in edit mode, knobs send SysEx commands from hardware to UI and now changes values correspondingly in software UI.
[ New ] Timbre 1 and timbre 2 MIDI channel lock switches added to prevent midi channel changes up on preset load.
[ New ] Load to timbre 1 and load to timbre 2 / load from timbre 1 and load from timbre 2 switches added to librarian page so we can choose which timbre data we send from librarian files to hardware timbres of users choice.
[ New ] Patches can be changed via arrow keys in librarian window while the mouse is over the banks patch names.
[ New ] Storing patch data to HDD is now possible.
[ New ] Reading Korg MS2000 format data added as well as our own bank data.
[ New ] Added save button in librarian to overwrite currently edited bank.
[ New ] Librarian can now receive and map all patch data from hardware to corresponding patch slots.
[ Fixed ] Decreased memory load by 1000%.
[ Improvement ] Updated graphics for various knobs, switches and layers.
[ Improvement ] Improved patch list refreshing after discarding or saving patch data.
[ Improvement ] Changed sysex knobs and switches to NRPN format to prevent peaks in processor usage.

Version 1.0.3 / 2016-02-27

[ New ] Plugin can now pass DAW MIDI clock messages.
[ Fixed ] All patches are now scrollable via the librarian (please note that midi channel must match to hear the sound – fix coming up next week).
[ Fixed ] Filter KBD Track didn’t work as expected.
[ Fixed ] Filter Velocity didn’t work as expected.
[ Fixed ] Amp KBD Track didn’t work as expected.
[ Fixed ] Amp Velocity didn’t work as expected.
[ Fixed ] Library control from MIDI works as expected.
[ Improvement ] Minor update to main graphics to please the eye a bit more.
[ Improvement ] MIDI data handling has been improved and CPU does not peak up on control change / program change.

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