Waldorf PulseX Editor Main Interface

Waldorf Pulse Editor Changelog

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Waldorf Pulse Editor Changelog – View complete version history of our Waldorf Pulse Editor. This is the official source.

[ Bug ] [macOS VST] This and previous releases will crash Steinberg Cubase version 9.5 – 10.5 when closing project or when removing the plug-in from the DAW. We are trying to figure this out, sorry for the inconvenience!

[ Bug ] [macOS AudioUnit] If plug-in is not visible in your DAW after install, quit the DAW and run command “killall -9 AudioComponentRegistar” in console and try again. If that doesn’t help, reboot your Mac.

Upcoming Update Notice: Version 3 framework is under development, which will fix any issues with the current editor version! You can read more about the upcoming update from here: https://docs.auraplugins.com/kb/article/version-3-update-information/

Version 3 Update is free for existing customers.

Version 1.1.5 / 2020-10-10

[ New ] Open Support Ticket Menu item added to Patch Librarian -> Bank Edit -> Other Helpful Things..
[ New ] Check for Updates Menu item added to Patch Librarian -> Bank Edit -> Other Helpful Things..
[ New ] DAW User Guides Menu item added to Patch Librarian -> Bank Edit -> Other Helpful Things..
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where plug-in scan could potentially hang.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Register Plug-in dialog would not open from Patch Librarian -> Bank Edit -> Register Plug-in.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where newly added files didn’t appear in the main User Interface menus after refreshing folders.

Version 1.1.4 / 2020-10-09

[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where some patch banks were not visible in the librarian in some cases.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where selecting patch bank would crash the plug-in in some cases.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where control display would show information while it was not supposed to do so.
[ Other ] Registration notification dialog will appear only if plug-in user interface is open.

Version 1.1.3 / 2020-09-28

[ New ] Plug-in will now say if license can not be validated and prompts to locate the license file. It does not matter if license has .key or .txt extension to it, both are supported.
[ New ] Import *.pls (PulseX) or *.pl2 (Pulse2X) formats from bank edit -> import menu to librarian.
[ New ] *.pls (PulseX) and *.pl2 (Pulse2X) formats are now directly read from the Patches folder upon plug-in launch.
[ Fixed ] license.key.txt is now automatically renamed to license.key when applying the license via patch librarian -> bank edit -> register plug-in.

Version 1.1.2 / 2020-09-23

[ Fixed ] Program names are now capitalized as well as category names.
[ Fixed ] Bank import and bank conversion from Pulse 2 to Pulse works as expected.

Version 1.1.1 / 2020-02-04

[ Other ] Removed Auto-save MIDI I/O due to errors caused by the device initialization.

Version 1.1.0 / 2020–01-30

[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where storing all programs from librarian to hardware caused an error.
[ Fixed ] Program Up and Program Down buttons didn’t work as expected when reaching the “end of the cycle”. Now programs change from 99 -> 0 and from 0 -> 99 as expected.
[ Fixed ] Sending programs from librarian didn’t update the program parameters as expected. This is due to SysEx issue with the hardware firmware.
[ Fixed ] Plugin initialization and program sending during total recall took longer time than expected.

Version 1.0.9 / 2020–01-01

[ New ] Librarian Bank Edit Menu has a new item called “Open DATA folder” which will open the current plug-in data folder.
[ Improvement ] Support for macOS Catalina. User data moved to /Library/Audio/Presets/Mystery Islands Music/(plugin-name)/ folder. User must manually copy sound data from old /Documents/Mystery Islands Music/ folder to the new location.

Version 1.0.8 / 2019-07-11

[ New ] Program number display. User can now choose program from dropdown menu next to plug-in “display”. If “load from library” is toggled on, user will see a list of banks and presets of banks in the menu.
[ New ] “save data to slot” button in librarian allows user to quickly store data from plug-in UI to librarian. As a safety measure, user must then save the sound bank or discard changes.
[ New ] Auto-save MIDI I/O. MIDI input and output are stored into text file when they are initially set. Next time the plug-in is inserted, these ports will be recalled and global data will be requested from the hardware.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Experimental MIDI Clock crashed Ableton Live.
[ Other ] Some minor graphical updates, which you might not note…

Version 1.0.7 / 2019-05-22

[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where patch sounds different after total recall. This bug is due to Pulse internal coding, but we found a work-around!

Version 1.0.6 / 2019-05-21

[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Single Banks, Category Files and Search items created multiple duplicates to menus when saving a new bank.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue which caused errors while storing bank with Save As.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where search result entries where shown in lower bank selection menu after toggling off search function.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where tab content did not update to new parameter values while clicking previous / next patch buttons.

Version 1.0.5 / 2019-05-14

[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where graphics resize did not work as expected. Reload the project or plug-in in order the see skin and user interface size changes.

Version 1.0.4 / 2019-05-06

[ Other ] Framework updates to make everything work smoother.
[ Other ] Connections to hardware work better now when initializing the plug-in.

Version 1.0.3 / 2019-03-26

[ New ] Section locks added and they are now fully functional.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where plug-in crashed when clicking “randomize”.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where total recall did not work in some cases.

Version 1.0.2 / 2019-02-22

[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where default program names were not applied to some presets when file was selected in librarian.

Version 1.0.1 / 2019-02-20

[ New ] Importing Pulse 2 sounds has been improved. Now if slots 1-8 has destination set to Pitch, first match will be addressed to Pitch Mod slot in the plug-in. Same applies to Filter Mod, if destination is set to Cutoff. If these two matches are found from slots 1-4, they will be occupied from first used slot data from slots 5-8.
[ New ] Right click menu has been reworked. User can now set category per patch by right click -> set category. User can now request current patch from plug-in interface to librarian. Keep in mind, that you still have to overwrite the bank or choose save as..
[ New ] Librarian window now shows currently selected librarian patch category when clicking the item.
[ Fixed ] Filter Mod Source and Filter Mod Amount values were sent and received the wrong way due to mismatch in original SysEx documentation.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Oscillator 1, 2 and 3 Semitones changed the entire patch in some cases.
[ Other ] Reworked entire menu-system code. Now using ~720 lines of code instead ~14 000 lines.

Version 1.0.0 BETA / 2019-02-07

* Initial BETA release.

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