roland jp-80x0 editor user manual v24-01-27

Roland JP-80×0 Editor User Manual

User Manuals Knowledge Level

Everything you need to know about our product install, setup steps, configuration and usage of various features

Thank you for your interest towards our Editor & Librarian software.

We built our Roland JP-80×0 Editor to control Roland JP-8000 and/or Roland JP-8080 model over MIDI. Modern synths come up with an integration tool to hook your synth into DAW and we wanted to give this same opportunity to you as well. Connect MIDI input & output, Audio jack cables to mixing console / sound card and fire up your DAW to get started!

JP-80×0 Editor User Manual contains instructions to get the Editor installed and configured. Please read this manual through carefully.


Our company & product has nothing to do with Roland Corporation.
If there is an issue with our product, open a support ticket in your account page.
You can find support details at the end of this document.
Support and updates are free for life to anyone who has bought the license from our store

What this product CAN do?

  • Connect your Roland JP-8000 and / or JP-8080 directly with your DAW using MIDI.
  • Edit almost every parameter of your synthesizer from our Editor.
  • Automate almost every parameter in your DAW.
  • Editor user interface reacts to hardware knob & buttons movements.
  • Edit both layers from the Editor individually or link layers together.
  • You can request through JP’s User, Preset and Memory Card** data within the Editor librarian.
  • You can send the patches from the Editor to your synthesizers Temp memory buffer OR you can write user memory slots through our Editor.
  • JP-8000 incompatible parameters marked with **.
  • Knob & button values are sent to hardware.
  • View & edit performance name in the Editor interface .
  • Request current patch from selected slot to librarian.
  • Request all patches from selected bank to librarian.
  • Store currently selected patch from librarian to hardware.
  • Store current patch bank from librarian to hardware.
  • Request temp performance data to librarian.
  • Request current performance from selected slot to librarian.
  • Request all performance data from selected bank to librarian.
  • Store currently selected performance data from librarian to hardware.
  • Store current performance bank from librarian to hardware.
  • Load any midi / sysex patch or performance bank to librarian.
  • Browse performance & patch banks within plugin librarian.
  • Load currently selected performance data to plugin memory.
  • Load currently selected performance bank to plugin memory.
  • Load selected single patch to selected performance slot (upper / lower).
  • Software stores last used performance data with plug-in to it’s memory.
  • Software loads last used performance data with project load and sends it to hardware.
  • Organize performance data in librarian and save a new performance bank to hard drive.
  • Organize patch data in librarian and save a new patch bank to hard drive
  • Send performance data to hardware from plugin by using white user interface buttons.
  • Request performance data from selected bank to plugin white buttons memory (8×8=64 slots).
  • Option to scroll thru hardware programs without sending performance / patch data to hardware.
  • View & edit upper / lower part patch name.
  • View & edit upper / lower part velocity sensitivity levels.
  • View & edit upper / lower part control assign sensitivity levels.
  • More knobs & buttons now reacts to hardware knob / button movements.
  • Select performance midi channel.
  • Select remote kbd midi channel.
  • Randomize either layer or both!
  • Import Roland SH-201 files to JP-80×0 Librarian.
  • Import Roland GAIA SH-01 files to JP-80×0 Librarian.

What this product CANNOT do?

  • Generate any audio. This product is an Editor for Roland JP-8000 / JP-8080 Synthesizers. Audio must be routed with Audio Jack cables from the hardware to your console inputs or sound card inputs.


  • Roland JP-8000 or Roland JP-8080
  • MIDI Interface that can handle System Exclusive messages. Cheap USB-MIDI cables does not work. ESI MIDIMATE EX is known to work on macOS and Windows platforms.

System Requirements

  • macOS 10.12 or greater with 64-bit AAX, Audio Unit, VST2 or VST3 host application.
    Standalone Application works without host application.
    • Intel or Apple Silicon processor.
  • Windows XP or greater with 64-bit AAX, VST2 or VST3 host application.
    Standalone Application works without host application.
  • At least FULL HD resolution on your display.


Available plug-in formats



AAX (native)










Currently supported host applications


  • Ableton Live
  • Apple Logic
  • Bitwig Studio
  • Cockos Reaper
  • Image Line Fruity Loops
  • Presonus Studio One
  • Reason Studio Reason
  • Steinberg Cubase
  • Renoise
  • MOTU Digital Performer
  • AVID Pro Tools
  • Universal Audio Luna

We haven’t tested other hosts, but if your host can load the plug-in formats mentioned above, you shouldn’t have any issues loading our plug-in.

If there is an error with the plug-in on your host, let us know and we will make it work.

Parameter differences between models

Select your Model from the “top bar” of the user interface to access parameters which are available for your hardware model. Some parameters are grayed out based on the selection made. I.e., Voice Modulator parameters are available for JP-8080 users only.

Model setting is only stored with Save UI Data function or when the host project is stored.
This is because there are many users with different setups, i.e., we have multiple models and we know some of our customers have 5 or more different JP models.

Once you load the Editor, set your model and midi i/o as a starting point!

Downloading the product demo or updater

Anyone can download the demo version of our product and test it out, but only registered customers are entitled to download the free updater for their purchase. If you have purchased our product through another website and you have issues regarding to your account, contact us and our staff will attempt to reply within few hours.


User interface will show your product status in the upper left corner:

  • DEMO version will indicate ** DEMO VERSION **
  • Unregistered FULL version will indicate RELOAD LICENSE
  • Registered FULL version will indicate REGISTERED

You can find instructions for the Editor registration further below.

NOTE: Always keep back-up of the downloaded installer at your own HDD. We are not storing old installers in our servers!

This is important if something goes wrong with the update, you have an installer in your personal storage to rescue your project if it really screws something up!


Please make sure you make a proper backup of your JP-8000 / JP-8080 before you run the installer. We will not take any responsibility for your synth and you have to agree to this when buying our product.

You can backup your JP easily with these simple steps:

  • Open your DAW and insert empty MIDI track.
  • Make sure MIDI messages are allowed to come through from JP.
  • Hit record from your DAW.
  • From JP:
    • Edit (shift) & 7 (init/util) -> Bulk Dump -> All ->hit Write

    • Wait until all of the data has been received

You can read more about the SysEx dump from the Roland JP-8000 or JP-8080 user manual.


If you have overwritten any of the included sound banks with a previous version of the Editor, it is worth renaming those sound banks in order to prevent data overwrite once plug-in updater is executed.

Editor data / license folder is:

[macOS] ~/Music/AURA Plugins/Roland JP-80x0 Editor/
[Windows] ~\Music\AURA Plugins\Roland JP-80x0 Editor



  • Parameters can not be automated from your DAW.
  • Parameter MIDI CC Mapping is disabled.
  • Parts 2-15 are disabled (if applicable).
  • Total Recall is disabled.
  • UI Data can not be saved or loaded.
  • MIDI CC Mapping Data can not be saved or loaded.
  • Librarian Bank Edits can not be saved.
  • Librarian "Store Data to Hardware" is disabled.
  • Demo can not be registered.

Download the demo and run the installer. After you have installed the Editor, open your DAW and let your host do the plug-in scan – If the scan fails, try again. If it simply won’t pass, send us the crash report.

Here is how we can quickly check what happened and why:

  • Copy the error message / crash report content to a new text file and send it to us.
  • Tell us how we can reproduce the issue on our end.

You can send the error reports with instructions to us via our Discord channel.
You can also find some solutions from the Troubleshooting page.

User Manual contents

Chapter 1

Introduction to our Editor, what it can and can not do

Chapter 2

Checking wiring diagrams, Hardware and MIDI settings + registration guide

Chapter 3

Successfully establish the connection to your Hardware

Chapter 4

Hardware functions and our custom functions explained in great detail

Chapter 5

Basic layout and guide how to use the Patch Librarian

Chapter 6

Deeper analysis of the Patch Librarian Menu functions


Why there is no sound? Why no connection? Time to troubleshoot!

Chapter 1 of 6

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