Waldorf Pulse2X Editor Main Interface

Waldorf Pulse 2 Editor Changelog

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Waldorf Pulse 2 Editor Changelog – View complete version history of our Waldorf Pulse 2 Editor. This is the official source.

[ Bug ] [macOS VST] This and previous releases will crash Steinberg Cubase version 9.5 – 10.5 when closing project or when removing the plug-in from the DAW. We are trying to figure this out, sorry for the inconvenience!

[ Bug ] [macOS AudioUnit] If plug-in is not visible in your DAW after install, quit the DAW and run command “killall -9 AudioComponentRegistar” in console and try again. If that doesn’t help, reboot your Mac.

Upcoming Update Notice: Version 3 framework is under development, which will fix any issues with the current editor version! You can read more about the upcoming update from here: https://docs.auraplugins.com/kb/article/version-3-update-information/

Version 3 Update is free for existing customers.

Version 1.1.0 / 2020-10-10

[ New ] Open Support Ticket Menu item added to Patch Librarian -> Bank Edit -> Other Helpful Things..
[ New ] Check for Updates Menu item added to Patch Librarian -> Bank Edit -> Other Helpful Things..
[ New ] DAW User Guides Menu item added to Patch Librarian -> Bank Edit -> Other Helpful Things..
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where plug-in scan could potentially hang.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Register Plug-in dialog would not open from Patch Librarian -> Bank Edit -> Register Plug-in.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where newly added files didn’t appear in the main User Interface menus after refreshing folders.

Version 1.0.9 / 2020-10-09

[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where some patch banks were not visible in the librarian in some cases.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where selecting patch bank would crash the plug-in in some cases.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where control display would show information while it was not supposed to do so.
[ Other ] Registration notification dialog will appear only if plug-in user interface is open.

Version 1.0.8 / 2020-10-08

[ Other ] Small fix regarding to license system.

Version 1.0.7 / 2020-10-05

[ Fixed ] Plug-in defaults to “main” editor view when launched.
[ Fixed ] Pattern editor length selection didn’t work as expected.

Version 1.0.6 / 2020-09-28

[ New ] User Manual can be opened from patch librarian -> bank edit -> other helpful things… Open User Manual.
[ New ] Plug-in will now say if license can not be validated and prompts to locate the license file. It does not matter if license has .key or .txt extension to it, both are supported.
[ New ] Import *.pl2 (Pulse2X) or *.pls (PulseX) formats from bank edit -> import menu to librarian.
[ New ] *.pl2 (Pulse2X) and *.pls (PulseX) formats are now directly read from the Patches folder upon plug-in launch.
[ Fixed ] license.key.txt is now automatically renamed to license.key when applying the license via patch librarian -> bank edit -> register plug-in.

Version 1.0.5 / 2020-09-23

[ Fixed ] Program names are now capitalized as well as category names.
[ Fixed ] Bank import and bank conversion from Pulse to Pulse 2 works as expected.

Version 1.0.4 / 2020-09-20

[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where oscillators semitone setting was messed up on total recall and when saving patches to bank.

Version 1.0.3 / 2020-04-20

[ Fixed ] Resolved small error in the code.

Version 1.0.2 / 2020-04-05

[ New ] Clock Source can now be selected in Arp / Mod Matrix tab.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Pattern Step Editor did not appear as it should.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where LFO 1 Clock modes were not selectable.
[ Fixed ] Resolved issue where Noise Level was not working.

Version 1.0.1 / 2020-03-30

* Initial release.

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